Sunday, December 5, 2021

A few popular references on the octonionic theory

If you are interested in the evolution of the octonionic theory, the following are some popular video lectures I made, some talk recordings, a blog, and a semi-technical 2017 article. Only in 2020, the octonions got added to this attempt at quantum gravity. Since then it has become an attempt at quantum gravity and unification.

Does nature play dice? (2014)

Spontaneous quantum gravity (2019)

Aikyons, octonions and unification (2020)

Octonions, elementary particles and the unification of forces (2021)

Elementary particles and the magic of the octonions (2021)

Quantum gravity and the atoms of space-time-matter (2021)

Gravitation: from Newton to Padmanabhan and beyond (2021)

Thinking about quantum gravity, video lecture series (2018)

This blog is also helpful:

Helpful article

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