Possibly yes, but in a new avatar.
In the mid 1980s, E_8 x E_8 and SO(32) string theories made big news as possible candidate symmetries for unification. But it all fizzled out, because of the troubles with compactfication of the higher dimensions.
Why then, more than three decades later, might there now be a (promising, and this time successful) comeback?
The answer lies in the various developments that were taking place in high energy theoretical physics during these intervening thirty years, outside of string theory. The confluence of these disparate developments is what suggests a dramatic revival of a conceptually improved string theory.
The first of these is Stephen Adler's theory of Trace Dynamics : a pre-quantum (though not pre-spacetime) theory from which quantum field theory is an emergent approximation. Also emergent is a dynamical mechanism for explaining the quantum-to-classical transition. The advantage of trace dynamics is that it paves the way for a pre-quantum, pre-spacetime theory from which gravitation, and quantum theory, are emergent.
The second development was the Ghirardi-Rimini-Weber phenomenological theory of spontaneous collapse. This is a stochastic non-unitary modification of quantum theory, with a non-Hermitean Hamiltonian, which explains why macroscopic objects are classical, and do not obey quantum superposition. Adler's trace dynamics provides a theoretical underpinning for the phenomenology of GRW.
The third is the work of Alain Connes and collaborators on non-commutative geometry, and in particular the spectral action principle of Chamseddine and Connes, which allows the Einstein-Hilbert action to be expressed in terms of the eigenvalues of the squared Dirac operator. And also the absolute time of Connes, a feature unique to his non-commutative geometry.
The fourth is the long history of research spread over the last five decades, on relating octonions to the standard model of particle physics. This field has picked up pace over the last decade or so, and includes the pioneering work of many on the exceptional Jordan algebra, and the application of Clifford algebras to construct elementary particle states.
Our own work forms a yet different fifth avenue, which is foundational: to seek a reformulation of quantum (field) theory which makes no reference to classical spacetime. When we made very humble beginnings on this project two decades ago, there was not the slightest hint that we will end up with a revised string theory, or even have anything to do with particle physics. We were only seeking a quantum theory of gravity from a foundational motivation.
Trace dynamics, coupled with the spectral action principle, leads to a highly simple form for the fundamental action principle:
S / \hbar = L_P^2 / L^2 \int d\tau \dot{q_1} \dot {q_2}
q_1 and q_2 are two unequal matrices which together define a 2-brane of area L^2 [an `atom' of space-time-matter, our `string']. \tau is Connes time. Various considerations motivate that the 2-brane lives on the non-commutative coordinate geometry of octonionic space. In other words, q_1 (also q_2) is a sum of eight matrices, one for each of the eight directions of the octonion, and these matrices represent the four forces of nature, and fermions, which curve the octonionic space.
Incidentally, this Lagrangian has the same form as the Bateman oscillator; a pair of coupled oscillators with opposite signs for energy. Giving reason to believe that the cosmological constant is exactly zero in this new theory.
More precisely, the 2-brane lives in OxO', which is a 16-D space made of the octonion O and the split octonion O'. This gives enough freedom to construct chiral fermions. There is a known equivalence bewteen SU(3, OxO') and E_8, and the symmetry group of the space of q_1 is indeed E_8, and that of q_2 is also E_8 and hence the Lagrangian of this theory has E_8 x E_8 symmetry.
Why then is this not the same as string theory? Because:
(i) elementary particle states are defined on octonionic space (a twistor space or a spinor spacetime, equivalently), not on its equivalent 10D Minkowski spacetime. This is the first point of departure from string theory.
(ii) the Hamiltonian of the new theory is not self-adjoint on the Planck scale. This is most essential for obtaining the standard model. The anti-Hermitean part of the Hamiltonian enables a quantum to classical transition dynamically and is responsible for the emergence of classical spacetime.
(iii) This is a higher dimensional theory, but the extra dimensions (which are complex) are never compactified. Only classical systems live in 4D. Quantum systems live in octonionic space (equivalently 10D Minkowski) even at low energies. The extra dimensions are complex-valued - their symmetries are precisely those of the standard model forces. We have a Kaluza-Klein theory in which the extra dimensions are provided by the octonionic directions. We have compactification without compactification, and hence overcome the highly troublesome non-uniqueness of string theory.
(iv) The algebra of the octonions, in conjunction with the above Lagrangian, determines the values of the free parameters of the standard model.
There is a great deal of detail to be filled in, but this is likely the correct approach to unification. We understand why string theory came close to being successful, and also why it did not succeed. Developments outside of string theory over the last three decades now provide completely independent motivation for string theory, but this time without the undesirable features which led to the failure of the original theory.
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