Emergence of space-time from quantum entanglement is an important and much talked of idea these days.
Essentially the same thing happens in the pre-spacetime, pre-quantum octonionic theory, but with important differences. Since spacetime is emergent, that means there was no time before time emerged! So one could not have had quantum theory in the form we use it at present. That is why in our theory gravitation and quantum theory are both emergent.
They emerge from a pre-theory which is a matrix dynamics of atoms of space-time-matter [STM atom]. An STM atom is an elementary particle along with all the fields and along with the pre-spacetime geometry it produces. It is a universe in itself, and furthermore, it is impossible to distinguish the STM atom from the mathematics which defines it! Hence in the accompanying figure, we depict the pre-universe as a collection of the actions of enormously many STM atoms.
From here, as a result of entanglement, there emerge gravitation, and quantum theory as well. Entanglement is more general than quantum theory. Also, this emergence can happen at any energy scale, and in fact is happening all around us at this very moment, which is what is keeping the world classical! Spacetime emerges because entanglement is causing classical objects to emerge.
And those systems which are not critically entangled, such as the particles of the standard model, are in reality in their original form as STM atoms, in their quantum spacetime. There we understand why the standard model is what it is.
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