Monday, October 25, 2021

Removing the last bit of commutativity from our fundamental physical theories

In quantum theory, the configuration variable and it's canonical momentum become non-commutative [q,p] = i\hbar
An analogous non-commutativity is imposed in quantum field theory, on the field and its canonical momentum
When we quantise gravity, we invoke a commutator for the metric (or equivalent) and it's momentum
But in all this,
One thing which remains commutative, is the space-time manifold. Several quantum gravity theories work to remove this manifold, subsequent to the quantisation.
But suppose, with hindsight, we go back to basics, and make everything non-commutative in one go, retaining only Newton's absolute time (same as Connes' perhaps)
Replace the 4D Minkowski spacetime manifold by an 8D octonionic spacetime + absolute time
Nudge Newton and Einstein a bit. Raise all (suitably identified) q, p variables for fermions, gravity, gauge fields, to the status of matrices made of Grassmann numbers. Write down the following action principle.
If the claim holds, then this action describes a pre-spacetime, pre-quantum theory. From which QFT, standard model, and GR are emergent.
No photo description available.

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